I like how Progressive auto insurance decided to subtly appeal to the homosexual demographic.
This commercial has aired many times over the past year, so I'm sure you've seen it.
First these two guys stroll in. Note the rainbow striping across the guy on the rights shirt.
The guy on the left is queeny, but he hasn't quite burst into flames yet.
Next, the guy on the left extends his wrist to show off the watch he obtained from his pal, completely bursting into flames and setting off the smoke alarms.
Lastly, the guy on the right learns how much money he can save by switching his insurance. And we learn that his name is, get this, Mark F. Mark F?
Is that a subtle insinuation that his name is Mark Fag? Fag being the derisive term that straights ascribe to homos, a term which they have since "reclaimed" as their own and as a source of pride.
Anyway, for whatever reason, the discreet demographic marketing at work here kinda makes me laugh.