Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The sister strikes...

New post on the sister blog.

Reminder: the sister blog is for angry, violent expression.  You've been warned.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Bachmann's Bio

The sister blog, Rants My Owner Subjects Me To [And Other Musings], has unearthed some interesting information about the book cover of Michele Bachmann's recent autobiography.

Check it out.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Fallon sucks, redux.

J: "I have no talent."  M: "I have no shot in this election"

A year or so ago, I ripped Jimmy Fallon ["Jimmy Shallow"] for being a no-talent turd who must have pictures on somebody in order to keep getting work.  Why Jimmy Shallow?  Shallow refers to the depth, or lack thereof, of his talent.  In the swimming pool of talent, Shallow's efforts are strictly for wading only.

I saw this in the morning paper and immediately threw another log on the "I hate Jimmy Fallon" fire.

The capsule from the St. Paul Pioneer Press.

"GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann received an apology from an NBC executive after an off-color song was played during her appearance on Jimmy Fallon's "Late Night," her spokeswoman said late Wednesday.

The Minnesota congresswoman received a personal letter from NBC's vice president for late night programming, Doug Vaughan, a day after she appeared on the show. As Bachmann walked onstage, the show's band had played a snippet of a 1985 Fishbone song titled "Lyin' Ass B----."

Yes, the lameass newsrag also lacks balls, in this case replacing the word "bitch" with "B----."  What a bunch of f------ p------!

Back to Shallow. Fallon is showing himself to lack not only talent, but, like the Pioneer Press, testicles.  He's relentlessly apologizing for his band playing a song that at least in title, perfectly fit his guest, whether she realizes it or not: Michele Bachmann never met a fact she couldn't twist, manipulate or ignore. Late-night television should have been a perfect venue to put Bachmann's feet to the fire on some serious factual faux paus, half-truths or outright lies.  Never happened.  Instead we got Shallow's witless prattle.

I basically stopped ripping Bachmann because her own words did her more discredit than I ever could.  By the way Michele, I'd recommend you get someone other than Ronald McDonald to do your makeup.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Black Friday!

This SNL commercial spoof is one of their best, some of the funniest shit ever.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Coming Soon...

Before long, the CrankyBastard will be upon us.  Stay tuned.  Or go screw yourself.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Radio Free Wohlman kicks ass!

A special nod to innerweb pally Dave Wohlman, proud proprietor of Radio Free Wohlman.  His transmissions are always good, but his current post, Transmission 13411, touches on a subject near and dear to Reggie F. Cat: cops kicking ass.

I encourage RFCat readers to check out Radio Free Wohlman with regularity.   I went for the pizza, but stayed for the music.

Radio Free Wohlman is also located in my blogroll to the right for easy access.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Reasons I like Jim Souhan #39

Ripped off from the Minneapolis StarTribune.  Jim Souhan does great work, and this column is no exception.  

Mike McQueary did not do enough when he saw Jerry Sandusky with a boy in the Penn State showers. Joe Paterno did not do enough when told of Sandusky's crime. The Penn State administration did not do enough to protect children on its campus while Sandusky used the auspices of the football program to pursue victims for more than a decade.

Now the Penn State trustees is proving that in Happy Valley, inaction and shortsightedness are endemic. Even while dismissing the president of the university and their famous football coach, the trustees are failing to grasp the enormity of the crimes committed on their watch.

What we know now is that key members of the Penn State football program were serial enablers of child rape and molestation.

Dismissing the university president and athletic director is not enough, not when your campus has been used as a safe haven and hunting ground by a pedophile. Firing Paterno is not enough, not when Paterno neglected to use his immense power to halt the abuse of children.

It is time for the powers that be to use their powers pointedly and appropriately.

Penn State should cancel the rest of the football season.

The NCAA should investigate the football program and consider the death penalty.

Many of the people who rioted on the Penn State campus Wednesday night in protest of Paterno's dismissal probably plan to attend the football game on campus Saturday. They should not be given any forum in which to voice their delusions, and certainly not a 106,572-seat stadium in which to hold an undeserved memorial to Paterno's tainted career.

Playing a football game on that campus at this time would trivialize the abuse of children on that campus, would signal to the many victims and those who care about them that beating Nebraska is more important than beginning the arduous process of cleansing the program.

Playing a football game on Saturday originally would have meant allowing McQueary to coach. No one should have to see that, and no one will, as the school said Thursday night he will sit out because of threats made against him.

Cancelling the game does not require much thought or backbone. It is the only conscionable decision.

The NCAA must display a conscience as well. This is an institution that punishes coaches for offering their players rides, that shut down Southern Methodist's football program for paying athletes.

Compared with serial pedophilia, what happened on the SMU campus is the equivalent of spitting on the sidewalk.

Let no one say that some good will come of these events, but the NCAA can use Penn State as a disgusting example of what can transpire when a college football program becomes omnipotent.

McQueary saw Sandusky with a boy in the football locker room shower. He passed the buck to Paterno, the most powerful man on campus. Paterno passed the buck to his boss. Even as rumors of Sandusky's alleged crimes proliferated and he was the target of a police investigation into his relationship with another boy, McQueary and Paterno did nothing while Sandusky used the football program as the candy with which to seduce children.

College football has long been a receptacle of corruption and greed. Only on a campus where the football coach is treated as part Pope and part Patton could such evil persist for so long.

The NCAA should prove that it cares about more than $50 handshakes between alumni and athletes, that it holds universities responsible for all of the ills that occur within their bloated football programs.

When the NCAA levies its harshest penalties, it cites a school's "lack of institutional control.'' There has never been a clearer case of university lacking institutional control over its football program than Penn State allowing Sandusky to bring children to the team's sidelines and showers.

The NCAA should shut down Penn State football at least until Sandusky has been tried and his victims have been compensated.

A football game in Happy Valley would remind us how willing too many people are to forgive abuses of power as long as the local team bolsters their self-esteem on Saturday afternoons.

Jim Souhan can be heard Sundays from 10 a.m. to noon and weekdays at 2 p.m. on 1500ESPN. His Twitter name is SouhanStrib.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

44% Of Traffic Fatalities Unbelted...

In my home state of Minnesota, where we are constantly bombarded with lame-ass "Click It Or Ticket" TV commercials, where Law Enforcement agencies routinely hold "saturation" efforts to induce seat belt compliance, the StarTribune posted an article today that "44 Percent Of Crash Fatalities Were Unbelted."

First off, I'm on record as saying that when it comes to what transpires within my vehicle, the state should STFU and mind their own business [totalitarianism, cough, cough].

Second, I hate the arrogantly absurd supposition that the state cares whether I die on the roads or not.  They don't, nor should they.  The reason Minnesota likes seat belt legislation, the reason they're "driving Minnesota toward zero traffic deaths," isn't because of some paternal interest in your dumb ass, it's simply financial: seat belt violations offer an easy road to revenue.  I hate it when government lies like that.

Years ago, I used to get ticketed for having car windows tinted too dark.  Cops always said that the law was there for my own safety.  Bullshit.  I routinely wore sunglasses darker than my windows.  The truth was, it was for the cops safety.  They don't like the idea of blindly approaching a vehicle where someone is inside loading a handgun to shoot them for being pricks.  I get that.  Just call it what it is and don't say it's for my safety.

Back to the 44 percent of crash fatalities.  By my Minnesota public school math, that means that 56 percent of crash fatalities were wearing a seat belt.  So, I should wear a seat belt to join the 56 percent?  May we please examine our facts again?.

"We've made great progress to improve the state's seat-belt use, yet in many parts of the state motorists are making the poor choice to travel unbelted, and they are paying the ultimate price for taking that risk," Donna Berger, acting director of the state's Office of Traffic Safety, said in a statement accompanying release of the data.

"Poor choice" Donna?  Wake up dear, your own statistics don't bear you out.

So what's the deal?  Are seat belts worth wearing?  I guess they are, if simply to avoid entering the revenue stream of "Click It Or Ticket."

A side note to all Law Enforcement Agencies in Minnesota: I'm sick of seeing your dumbass ads on TV reminding all us lowly citizens to obey the rules.  Perhaps you should stop your marketing efforts and concentrate and policing your own rank and file.  Have you paid attention to the newspapers this past year?  Your profession is liberally littered with crooked, corrupt members.  Worry about that, and not whether I'm wearing a seat belt.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Thank you.

The Minnesota Twins today announced the firing of GM Bill Smith.

Christmas comes early. Thank you. 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Reasons I like Seth Meyers #8

Just saw this on SNL's fake news and loved it.  I'm paraphrasing to about 90% accuracy.

"A man was arrested in Dubai for allegedly throwing a prostitute out of his hotel window.  But, since it's Dubai, he was only charged with littering."