Saturday, July 10, 2010

ignorance not bliss, just really embarrassing...

Go drink the Obama/Gore Kool-Aid you libs! I say bring on the beach! I can't wait till the tea party knocks you whiny tree huggers down a few pegs. If you don't like it hear, move to Canada and hug a glacier! posted by iluvstea on Jul 10, 10 at 10:24 am 

That was posted in the comments of a StarTribune online article. Sir, you illiterate turd...I believe the correct grammar should be "if you don't like it here ...."

Another brilliant "Tea Party" member heard from.


  1. If you want to get snarky, at least learn how to use an ellipses correctly.

  2. And I'm not being snarky...just functionally literate.

    However, should YOU feel the need to be snarky, grow a pair and don't leave an anonymous comment.
