Saturday, August 27, 2011

Good news/celebration

A quick note.

I'd like to congratulate my father on kicking six different kinds of crap out of Hodgkin's Lymphoma.  I guess eating healthy and staying in shape has some benefits.  I wish someone had told me that.  I'll have to remember that in my next life.

There are a lot of people in this world I can do without.  My father isn't one.

When I was a teenager I had a lot of anger towards my father.  That's not uncommon for that age, but it still hurt him.  Years later, when I began my extended run of fuck-ups, my Dad was always there for me.

I've actually been very fortunate to retain a small cadre of loyal and supportive family members, and I appreciate them all.

But it starts with Dad.

Score one for the good guys.


  1. great news words fell me

  2. Just found your blog, by accident, and saw this post about your father. My own dad beat colon cancer and those years after were the best I ever had with him, after many that were really awful. I don't know you, but I am SO glad you will have the opportunity to have good years with your pop. Treasure them.

  3. Congrats to Reggie's Dad!

  4. New to the blog and confused by this post...
    Who beat cancer: The cat owner's dad? The cat owner himself (perhaps the cat refers to him as dad)? Or maybe the cat's real feline dad?

    Nonethelesss, congratulations!

  5. I can see how that might be confusing for someone who isn't familiar with me. My father kicked cancer's ass. Thank you.
