Saturday, February 18, 2012

Prayers answered!


I see that "Jon & Kate & her huge, great big crotch & 8" is returning.

Again, if your life is so shallow and vacant that you give a crap what these shallow and vacant people do, my condolences.

I hate these guys.  Kids included.

Media whores.


  1. You should have added something about her C#^+y hair do as well in that...

    They are one step below Kim FatAssian on the media whore ladder.

  2. Is "huge great big crotch" a reference to her capacity to keep spitting sprogs out from between her legs? Seriously? That's a major taste lapse. Not like reality TV at all. Oh, hang on. It's exactly up there with most reality TV.

    I am very pleased this shite hasn't drained down to this part of the world just yet.
