Friday, July 22, 2011

[McEnroe screams] "You cannot be serious!"

C'mon, you aren't serious, are you?

The link above is to an article in the Minneapolis StarTribune, detailing a lawsuit brought against the Anoka-Hennepin school district for failing to prevent "bullying."

First off, I think kids today are pretty much all pussies to begin with.  Really, bullying is a big issue?  I don't think so.

Bullying has been around as long as people have been around, so I don't subscribe to the theory that kids of recent vintage are subject to anything worse than what I or my father or his father were subjected to.  Toughen up little guys, just because you live in a "no-contact-timeout" punishment age, doesn't mean some other kid doesn't want to smack the shit out of you.  Kids these days are so over-protected and coddled.

I absolutely cannot believe how many kids are forced to wear helmets for bicycling.  Bicycling!  Unless you're drunk and driving into traffic, a helmet just makes you look like you ought to be getting ready for the short bus.  Not only did my friends and I bike thousands of miles as kids, but none of us wore a helmet.  In fact, nobody crashed or even needed a helmet.  Kids, you're coddled and over-protected.

It's called reality, buy into it.

Too much digression here though, the real irritant of the above mentioned article is that 14 year old Kyle Rooker [(gasp) is he goin' after a kid? yep] can't understand why some kids pick on him and call him "fag" for wanting to wear "red, sparkly, high-heeled shoes" to school.

Come on Kyle, you're not really that dense are you?  Come on Kyle's parents, are you friggin' stupid?  You ought to be booked for parental negligence for allowing your kid to attend school in an outfit guaranteed to get him called "fag" in the least, or suffer an asskicking at the most.

I'm all in favor of personal rights and liberties, but those rights aren't absolute.  I would absolutely think the kid was a little swishy for wearing those shoes. And if I were 14, I'd call him a fag [note: that's if I was 14, so relax].

Somebody please set some limits.  Go to school, get your education on, and if you wanna play Mary Poppins, Lady Gaga, or the sparkly red-shoed fairy after school, have at it.

I think the parents just sent the kid in to knowingly get an ass-whipping figuring on a near guarantee payout via lawsuit.

That might make me pessimistic, but I'm not sure it makes me wrong.

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