Tuesday, January 19, 2010

does this make me a bad person?

The link below is to the article I am referring to.


To the person or persons who perpetrated this crime, I'd really like it if someone would smash you in the face with a brick until they get tired.

Does this make me a bad person?

Another example of why I can say straightfaced that I don't like people.

What drives a person to be a sick, sadistic asshole?

I think it's about time to bring back crucification.  Seriously.  If you show such an utter lack of regard for living beings, let's nail you to a cross, naked, in town square.  Maybe for kicks we light you ablaze too, MF.

And, speaking of people who are just clearly in the wrong....

It's about time to make felonies committed by those employed in the public service a capital offense. Bullet to the cranium.  Leave 'em in a heap on the side of the road for garbage pickup.

That's directed at corrupt cops. Apparently the Twin Cities metro area has dozens of these power-hungry pricks on the loose.  Within the last six months, there have been at least eight different stories of crooked cops in the TC metro area.  Not misdemeanors.  Not playing cute with parking tickets.  Felonies.  Theft.  Intimidation.  Armed Robbery.  Obstruction.  Perjury.  And just plain kicking ass.

If you are entrusted to protect the public and carry a gun, but instead commit felonies on the job, you ought to be executed.  End of story.

Is that too harsh?

Here's the solution: quit breaking the law you pricks!

The damage that bad cops do to the public trust is far worse than what occurs when an average citizen commits the same crimes.  It's time to address it that way.  Is it too much to ask that those charged with enforcing our laws obey them also?  Especially when they're on the job?

P.S.  Can you tell I'm off my meds?

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