Sunday, January 10, 2010

ya, it was God's idea....

First of all, shame on anyone who has in the past or continues to now, support that horrible, horrible human being Sarah Palin.  There are so many reasons to loathe her, but we'll just pick one here today.

As covered more in-depth in the article linked to below, Palin thought that, yep, you guessed it, God wanted her to run as the veep candidate.  Has God talked to you lately?  Me neither.  Apparently that foul smelling turd Palin has got him on speed dial though.

Knock it off people, God is NOT choosing you.  That's ludicrous and SO completely self absorbed.  There's what, 7, 8 billion people on Earth, but YOU'RE the one he has special plans for?  Arrogance, anyone?

I seriously hate Palin and really wish she would just GO AWAY.  Smug dink.

I should also point out that another horrible, terrible human being [Minnesota Representative Michele Bachmann] is also from the "God annointed me" crowd.  Funny how the ones who think God speaks to them or has special plans for them are among the most self-absorbed, self-important and self-aggrandizing people around.

At least they don't think God has a bunch of virgins lined up for them in the afterlife should they successfully perpetrate a suicide bombing against innocent people.

At least I think they don't believe that....

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