Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Bristol Palin, part II

I really thought I had said all I needed to about the former governor's loose daughter, but then....

"Going out there and winning this would mean a lot. It would be like a big middle finger to all the people out there that hate my mom and hate me," Sarah Palin's daughter said during Tuesday's show.

Oh, so that's how we're gonna play this?  Ok, you got it.

Hey Palin, how about mixing in a salad every now and then you fat-ass cow.  Guess what, I'm overweight too, but I have a 40-year-olds metabolism...what's your excuse?

People hate you and your mom, yes, but it's not for some unfounded reason that you are needlessly picked on.

It's VERY easy to see your mom as a self-obsessed and ego-driven diva, spewing that faux-populist crap like Old Faithful while living life with a sense of entitlement.  

Note to Sarah Palin: when attempting to posit yourself as well-read and intelligent, the answer to "what magazines do you read" should probably be a little deeper than "lots," you arrogant 130 pound sack of fertilizer.

Back to Bristol, the loose one.  You might want to pick the causes you champion a little more carefully.  Teen pregnancy?  Really?  Seeing as how you couldn't keep your legs closed, you should probably keep your yapper shut about this one.

Calling your sperm donor/ex-boyfriend out for needing to be in the "limelight" is such self-parody, as you sit down with People Magazine to talk about it.

No, Bristol, you're not a celebrity, a star or frankly, even interesting.  You're a spoiled whiner, instilled with the false belief that you're something special, who craves media attention just like your mommy.  

Also, it's obviously too late for mommy, but you've only done this once, so there's hope.  Giving your kids stupid names that nobody else has ever heard of or considered, doesn't make you or them intelligent or special...it just makes you an arrogant, delusional asshole.

As for your middle finger?  Open your legs once again and see how far you can stick it up your fat ass. 


  1. Lighten up Francis.
    You sound like an eighth-grader.

  2. Anonymous, hmmm...you're not really named Track, are you?
